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A Few Questions


I am installing Leafnode and have a few questions.  I am running it on Linux
with the 2.0.36 kernel.

1.  Where do I put this config file that I created?  Plus, what do I call
2.  I noticed there was a line in the config.example that talks about a free
open server.  I only want to allow users that are on my system to access the
news server.  And who are connected to the server locally.  How do I set
that up?
3.  I have never set up cron before.  I need a little help.  I added the
0 4 * * * /usr/local/sbin/texpire
to the cron file.  But it talks about adding fetch there also.  I have a
full time connection and want Fetch to run at least every hour, but would
prefer more often.  How do I set something like that up?

I think that is it for now.


Jeff Grossman (jeff@xxxxxxxxxxx)

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