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[leafnode-list] Resetting leafnote to "clean" state?

I saw an odd thing several days ago... when I ran fetch, it
printed messages for each of the newsgroups, saying something
like "message numbers on server are not in range".
(I stupidly let everything scroll off the screen before I
could capture the messages.)

Now it seems that fetch considers all the new messages on
the server to be old messages, and does not retrieve them.

How can I reset leafnode to a state where it will re-download
everything, both old and new?


Mark Harrison                       "Open the floppy disk door, Hal."
AsiaInfo Computer Networks          http://usai.asiainfo.com:8080/
Beijing, China / Santa Clara, CA    markh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Mark Harrison                       "Open the floppy disk door, Hal."
AsiaInfo Computer Networks          http://usai.asiainfo.com:8080/
Beijing, China / Santa Clara, CA    markh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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