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Re: [leafnode-list] [ANNOUNCE] leafnode-1.9.3b6

On Mon, 05 Jul 1999 Cornelius Krasel wrote:

> Known bugs: none :-) (except that the German documentation is not
> completely up-to-date anymore, and things mentioned in TODO)

Well, I just downloded 1.9.3b6, so I don't know how much you have
changed leafnode compared to 1.9.2, but if nothing unexpected
happens, the german documentation should be updated by the end of the
following week. 


"Willst Du der atemlos harrenden Leserschaft vielleicht einmal erklaeren,
was daran nicht fair sein soll? Soll ich mich weiss emaillieren lassen und
dann "Hallo, Luser, ich bin Karl Kloschuessel, wie kann ich Dich *noch*
mehr verbloeden?" quaeken?"                       Robin S. Socha in dcouln

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