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Re: [leafnode-list] Starvation from large-binary groups

> Hello,
> I checked the mailing list archive and didn't see anything answering this
> question.  (Someone did post that the maxfetch= parameter should not be
> used, because articles over the limit are discarded.)
> We deployed LeafNode a short time ago, and as the queue is getting
> populated I've noticed a pattern.  Someone will be the first person to
> subscribe to a newsgroup, usually binaries or some other high-bandwidth
> group.  The next time fetch runs, it tries to pull down all the messages
> from that group, which can take a long, long time.  Meanwhile, people who
> read the low-traffic groups won't see any updates, because fetch is busy
> pulling down all those fat binaries.
> I thought maxfetch= would be a perfect solution to this; we could set it
> low and run fetch more often; each newsgroup would get a guaranteed number
> of articles per pass.  But I can't use it if articles over the limit are
> just discarded!  And the lower I set maxbytes=, the less useful the
> binaries groups will be.
> Does anyone else have a solution to this problem?

How about setting up initial fetch?  That way you can limit the first time
articles are downloaded when subscribing to a group for the first time.


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