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Re: [leafnode-list] texpire causes network activity?

George Lane wrote:

> The problem: when texpire runs, it seems to generate network
> traffic, because it triggers diald, dialing the modem (and
> waking me up in the process). This seems strange, since I was
> under the impression that texpire simply deletes expired articles
> from the server.

I am under this impression as well. In fact, when I run texpire with
strace, I cannot see any attempt at a connect() call, except the
one where logging to the syslogd is started:

connect(5, AF_UNIX(/dev/log), 10) = 0

but this one should not lead to a triggering of diald (IMO). I am not
sure what other kind of calls would lead to a reverse name lookup, but
there is no "gethostname" or "gethostbyname" invoked the texpire code 

BTW, I was quite surprised to find lots of lstats to unrelated files,
for example:

lstat("../../../../../../lost+found", [dev 3 2 ino 11 nlnks 2 ...]) = 0
lstat("../../../../../../System.map", [dev 3 2 ino 336 nlnks 1 ...]) = 0
lstat("../../../../../../vmlinuz", [dev 3 2 ino 13 nlnks 1 ...]) = 0
lstat("../../../../../../vmlinuz.norm", [dev 3 2 ino 14 nlnks 1 ...]) = 0
lstat("../../../../../../bin", [dev 3 2 ino 1401 nlnks 2 ...]) = 0
lstat("../../../../../../boot", [dev 3 2 ino 15 nlnks 2 ...]) = 0
lstat("../../../../../../dev", [dev 3 2 ino 35 nlnks 2 ...]) = 0
lstat("../../../../../../etc", [dev 3 2 ino 1469 nlnks 11 ...]) = 0
lstat("../../../../../../lib", [dev 3 2 ino 2840 nlnks 4 ...]) = 0
lstat("../../../../../../proc", [dev 0 1 ino 1 nlnks 5 ...]) = 0
lstat("../../../../../../sbin", [dev 3 2 ino 2912 nlnks 2 ...]) = 0
lstat("../../../../../../usr", [dev 8 13 ino 2 nlnks 30 ...]) = 0
lstat("../../../../../../var", [dev 3 4 ino 2 nlnks 14 ...]) = 0

(stats my whole /). These are not contained in the code, maybe they come
from the libc?


/* Cornelius Krasel, U Wuerzburg, Dept. of Pharmacology, Versbacher Str. 9 */
/* D-97078 Wuerzburg, Germany   email: phak004@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  SP4 */
/* "Science is the game we play with God to find out what His rules are."  */

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