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Re: [leafnode-list] 1.9.5 not fetching?

On Mon, Dec 06, 1999 at 01:52:55AM -0500, Jeff 'Sticky Hands' East wrote:
> message.  Your patch did the trick.  Bravo! (wish I knew the German word).

Try "Bravo!" :-)

> 	  The only comment I have is that the "NN more up in the air"
> messages don't take into account the killed messages. That, and articles
> for new groups are stored starting as #2.  Superficial, I admit.

The latter is simply due to the fact that the pseudo-article is #1.


Fortune cookie of the day:
For I swore I would stay a year away from her; out and alas!
but with break of day I went to make supplication.
		-- Paulus Silentarius, c. 540 A.D.

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