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Re: [leafnode-list] Leafnode 1.9.6 and TAB in headers

Joerg Dietrich (joerg@xxxxxxxxxxxx) schrieb:

> > Leafnode cannot read articles with TAB character after field name in some 
> > essential headers (ie. "From:", "Date:" etc).

> Once a field has been unfolded, it may be viewed as being com-
> posed of a field-name followed by a colon (":"), followed by a
> field-body, and  terminated  by  a carriage-return/line-feed.
> The  field-name must be composed of printable ASCII characters
> (i.e., characters that  have  values  between  33.  and 126.
> decimal, except colon).
> TAB has ASCII code 11 and is not allowed in header fields. Therefore,
> leafnode's behavior is correct,

ehrm.. <beep!> :-)

Please note that the text you quoted only covers the field-*name*,
eg. the part *before* the ':'. rfc822 continues:

  The field-body may be composed of any ASCII characters, except CR or LF.

So Leafnode is wrong here. It is not even allowed to include the Space
character after the colon when comparing against a certain header using
strn[case]cmp(), since this Space is part of the field's body.


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