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Re: [leafnode-list] Leafnode 1.9.6 and TAB in headers

> Joerg Dietrich (joerg@xxxxxxxxxxxx) schrieb:
> > TAB has ASCII code 11 and is not allowed in header fields. Therefore,
> > leafnode's behavior is correct,

Jörg, TAB is HTAB and has ASCII code 9 (011), what you are describing
the VTAB (013) which is not allowed anywhere in formatted field contents
unless explicitly specified so.

Johnny Teveßen <ml-leafnode@xxxxxxxx> writes:

> ehrm.. <beep!> :-)
> Please note that the text you quoted only covers the field-*name*,
> eg. the part *before* the ':'. rfc822 continues:
>   The field-body may be composed of any ASCII characters, except CR or LF.
> So Leafnode is wrong here. It is not even allowed to include the Space
> character after the colon when comparing against a certain header using
> strn[case]cmp(), since this Space is part of the field's body.

Regardless. Check RFC 1036, pp. 2ff.: 

"   A standard USENET message consists of several header lines, followed
    by a blank line, followed by the body of the message.  Each header
    line consist of a keyword, a colon, a blank, and some additional
    information.  This is a subset of the Internet standard, simplified
    to allow simpler software to handle it.  The "From" line may[...]"

While strictly adhering to the Backus-Naur-Syntax as shown in RFC-822,
you're right, RFC-1036 restricts this. 

Yet, it's a matter of tolerance. Leafnode does not use a proper language
and chokes on HTAB, OTOH, the implementors of software that posts
messages with HTAB after the colon are not operating carefully either. 

It'd probably better to have leafnode recognize LWSP (s. RFC-822) after
the colon and optionally fold it into a single SPACE character.

Matthias Andree

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