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[leafnode-list] fetch kills diald

Hallo list,

leafnode 1.9.2, suse rpm
kernel 2.2.3, suse 6.1

leafnode is running here for one week,
with some problems:

1. fetch kills diald

fetch is startet by cron,
diald sets up the ppp-line,

after fetching news, diald is died
diald works correct with fetchmail or squid www-connections

there is only one log entry after fetching:

..fetch [...] unable to open lockfile: 2 no such file or directory

where is fetch looking for open a lockfile?
Does diald worry about it?

2. leafnode is skipping readed groups

Reading groups was working fine for one week. 
After the weekend leafnode was skipping all groups.
They was reading every day 
(/shame on) by OE (/shame off) 
from another host in the LAN.

I think the default timeout_long is over,
but the groups are definitively not unread :-(

Thank you for help,
sorry for bad english,

Udo Forstmann

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