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Re: [leafnode-list] hostname=corrected.host.name ?

On Sun, Feb 06, 2000 at 02:16:15PM +0100, Ingolf Jansen wrote:

> Mark Brown wrote:

> > or force Leafnode to generate the Message-ID.

> yes, i would like to "force" leafnode, but how ??
> "thats the question here"

Modify the code.  I've attached a diff, but since I wrote it in 30
seconds and haven't even tried compiling it you should treat it with an
appropriate degree of caution.

> > Generally, news servers don't modify the IDs supplied by clients.  If
> > the message IDs get regenerated it greatly increases the risk of feed
> > errors (eg, feeding all the articles back out again).

> yes, i understand.

> but my machine is in fact a "leaf node" and there is no way out of it
> but through leafnode on port 119

That's What You Think (tm).

Mark Brown  mailto:broonie@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)
EUFS        http://www.eusa.ed.ac.uk/societies/filmsoc/

--- nntpd.c.orig	Sun Feb  6 14:10:38 2000
+++ nntpd.c	Sun Feb  6 14:14:53 2000
@@ -915,8 +915,10 @@
 	if ( !strncasecmp( line, "Message-ID: ", 12 ) ) {
 	    if ( havemessageid )
 		err = TRUE;
-	    else
+	    else {
 		havemessageid = TRUE;
+		continue;
+            }
 	if ( !strncasecmp( line, "Subject: ", 9 ) ) {
 	    if ( havesubject )
@@ -950,6 +952,7 @@
 	if ( len )
 	    write( out, line, len );
 	else {
+	    havemessageid = FALSE;
 	    if ( !havepath ) {
 		write( out, "Path: ", 6 );
 		write( out, fqdn, strlen( fqdn ) );