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Re: [leafnode-list] leafnode.org

On Wed, 9 Feb 2000, Cornelius Krasel wrote:
> I have applied today for the second-level domain leafnode.org. As soon
> as the application is granted, the web page for leafnode will be
> available from www.leafnode.org (which is just an alias for the
> current machine, but a separate virtual server).
> I have also attempted to re-design the page a little bit. It's still
> completely without graphics, but it looks a bit modern now. (Does
> Leafnode need a logo?)

How about a picture of a leaf? It seems the obvious thing.
> As long as leafnode.org is not yet registered, you can have a look at the
> new pages from
> 	http://wpxx02.toxi.uni-wuerzburg.de/~krasel/leafnode/

Can I suggest that you do something to the left frame, to make it more
visually obvious that it is a separate frame? Like perhaps using
a different background colour for it?

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***** Phil Hunt ***** send email to phil@xxxxxxxxxx *****
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