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Re: [leafnode-list] fetchnews question

"Stefan Bauer" <sbauer@xxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> Hi Jeff,
> thanks for your help, but at least -P was clear to me. 
> After your posting about the -l option, I made a little script, that I'm
> running as a cron job in the meanwhile:
> The script first looks in the out.going directory, if there is something
> to post,
> and then calls fetchnews -Pl. It works exactly like it should.
> Stefan

I process news in somewhat the same manner as this, but `fetchnews
-Pl' still doesn't cover all the pertinent cases ...

I have several upstream servers but I only want to post to the first
one and retrieve from all of them.  On first glance, running
`fetchnews -Pl' followed by another `fetchnews' invocation without the
`-Pl' option would seem to do what I want, but what about the
following scenario? ...

  02:00:00 AM -- run `fetchnews -PL' (posts all from `out.going')

  02:01:00 AM -- `fetchnews' starts (without the `-Pl' options)

  02:01:10 AM -- I happen to post an article from my news client,
                 and it ends up in `out.going'

  02:01:11 AM -- `fetchnews' happens to start looking at one of my
                  supplemental downstream servers, and it therefore
                  posts my article to that server because it detects
                  it in `out.going' -- this actually happened just now

  02:01:25 AM -- `fetchews' finishes

I think another server-specific `config' variable would be a better
way to control posting, perhaps something like `nopost = 1' for those
servers to whom we want to always disable posting.

Or another alternative would be to have new command-line option which
says "never post".  Then, supposing that this option is `-X', I could
run the following commands sequentially in a script:

  fetchnews -Pl

  ... etc. ...

  fetchnews -X

This would force all postings to go only to the "local" server.

What are your opinions?

> [ ... ]

 Lloyd Zusman

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