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Re: [leafnode-list] Fetchnews and Shell Script

Mark Harrison                         http://usai.asiainfo.com:8080/
AsiaInfo Computer Networks            markh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Beijing, China / Santa Clara, CA      http://www.markharrison.net/

>cd /var/spool/news/out.going
> if == ? then fetchnews -P
> fi

You can try something like this:

cd /var/spool/news/out.going
COUNT=`ls | wc -w`
if test $COUNT -gt 0; then
    fetchnews -P

The third line (COUNT=...) uses ls and wc to count the number
of files in the directory, and back-quote (``) substitution
to assign it to the variable COUNT.

The command "test" handles logical tests such as comparison, etc.

Actually, I think there is quite a lot of leafnode
functionality that could be pushed up to the script
(shell or otherwise) level.  When I get to work on
Monday I will post my leafnode wrapper which adjusts
the contents of the interesting.groups directory.

I was having problems with a super-slow link (China-Texas)
and would have a big headache when I accidentally entered
a group that I didn't want to download.  The wrapper script
can use either command line arguments (download these newsgroups
directly), a pre-defined file (these are the groups I'm really
interested in), or the contents of a particular user's .newsrc
file (dowload every group he is subscribed to).

Hope this helps,

Mark Harrison                         http://usai.asiainfo.com:8080/
AsiaInfo Computer Networks            markh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Beijing, China / Santa Clara, CA      http://www.markharrison.net/

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