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Re: [leafnode-list] (i) Connection timeout (ii) Can't access new or old groups

On Sat, May 06, 2000 at 05:40:00PM +0000, Alan Mackenzie wrote:
> I am currently using leafnode-1.9.12 with tin-1.4.0.
> (i)
> The connection between tin and leafnode has started timing out if I don't
> access leafnode within 5 (??) minutes, and this is getting irritating. Is
> this timeout being done at the leafnode end? If so, can I configure
> leafnode _not_ to timeout?

>From nntpd.c:
 * call getaline with 15 min timeout (not configurable)
static char * mgetaline( FILE *f ) {

So the answer is no. Unless you modify the source.

> had leafnode-1.9.3), I don't get the placeholder message (for a new
> group) or the existing threads (for an old group) when I attempt to
> access them from tin.

This is a known bug in tin-1.4.0. Update to 1.4.3.


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