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Re: [leafnode-list] New to leatnode, need a bit of help.

Ian Christian wrote:
> I am new to this program, it seems to do what I want, but I have a question.
> I have it set up so several windows clients are reading the news via
> leafnode.  I was wanting leafnode to send the new posts immediatly, and
> check for new posts everytime a client tries to look.  How can I get it to
> do this?

If you're on Linux, `freshnews` (The Tech Preview) should handle that 
for you.  On another OS, it should be trivial to modify if you speak any 
C at all.  I am working on a redesign, but it's hard to find the time to 
work on it.  Get it at   http://pages.infinit.net/curlypp/freshnews/ 

Oisin  "Curly++"  Curtin                            ocurtin@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Surface Liaison, Minetown Digger                           Send no SPAM.

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