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RE: [leafnode-list] fetchnews downloads latest articles first?

I think this has always been the way fetchnews handles retrieving mail.  In
your newsreader you can either sort by subject or by date, and it should
solve your problem.  When you sort by article number, you are sorting based
on the order the news server got the article.  That is not very practical to


Jeff Grossman (jeff@xxxxxxxxxxx)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bjorn Halvor Solberg [mailto:bhso@xxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2000 7:01 PM
> To: leafnode-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [leafnode-list] fetchnews downloads latest articles first?
> For leafnode-1.9.11, fetchnews -vvv would say:
> x.y: will fetch 10929 (...)
> x.y: will fetch 10930
> ..
> But when it actually downloads the messages, it does it in the opposite
> order:
> ..
> x.y: receiving article 10930 (1 more up in the air)
> x.y: receiving article 10929 (0 more up in the air)
> This causes the latest messages to end up with lower (local) article
> numbers than older messages, and that's how they show up in the browser
> too.
> Is there a way to make fetchnews get the older articles first, up to the
> newest, so that older articles will end up with a lower number than newer
> articles (which is the intuitive way)?  (I see this behaviour in 1.9.14
> as well.)  I couldn't find anything in the FAQ regarding this.
> Thanks in advance,
> Bjorn.
> --
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