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[leafnode-list] Getting slrn to see any groups.


I am setting up Leafnode ( Leafnode NNTP Daemon, version 1.9.12 running at
localhost.localdomain) for the first time and cannot seem to get slrn (Version: to see the groups so I can subscribe to them. I am not sure if it is slrn or Leafnode that I have misconfigured.
I suspect Leafnode because when I go in to slrn and do an "L" , "*", I can see  the /var/spool/news directory.  But I don't see any groups.  I am able to populate a groupinfo file.  Below are some shots that I hope will be useful in getting any advice someone might have.

Thanks for any suggestions.

gctaylor@remove-this eskimo.com

Listing of /var/spool/news
-rwxrwsr-x   1 news     news            0 Jun  6 21:22 active.read*
drwxrwsr-x   2 news     news         4096 Jun  7 19:38 failed.postings/
drwxrwsr-x   2 news     news         4096 Jun  7 19:39 interesting.groups/
drwxrwsr-x   2 news     news         4096 Jun  7 19:42 leaf.node/
drwxrwsr-x 1002 news     news        12288 Jun  7 19:40 message.id/
drwsr-xr-x   2 news     news         4096 Jun  7 19:40 out.going/

How slrn looks after "L" and then "*".
->U    0  failed.postings
  U    0  interesting.groups
  U    0  leaf.node
  U    0  message.id.000
  U    0  message.id
  U    0  out.going

Dir listing showing groupinfo has data in it.
drwxrwsr-x   2 news     news         4096 Jun  7 20:08 ./
drwxr-xr-x   7 news     news         4096 Jun  7 18:23 ../
-rw-r--r--   1 root     root           63 Jun  7 19:40 .directory
-rw-rw-r--   1 news     news      1954215 Jun  7 19:42 groupinfo
-rw-rw-r--   1 news     news            0 Jun  7 19:42 news.eskimo.com     

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