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Re: [leafnode-list] [1.9.*][2.0b*] Bug

krasel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Cornelius Krasel) writes:

> If #1 is (for some reason) not reliably connected to the network, it
> will not propagate the article. In that case, posting over #2 (and
> possibly #3) will ensure propagation of the article.
> If the article is on #2 already, it can be safely unlinked since it
> has been propagated over the network.

This is a play against the time of propagation between #1 and #2. If #1
feeds #2 fast, that's alright. If it feeds #2 slow, you never know if it
propagated properly. Of course, leafnode then posts on #2 and on #3 as
well, but what's the use?

Matthias Andree

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