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[leafnode-list] 2.0b5_ma8 progress - intermediate report

2.0b5_ma8 is getting closer, but it's not yet ready for release, I need
to get posting reliable and deterministic first.

However, here's what I did in the meanwhile:

- forward port of "files left open" bug fix from 1.9.18 (reported by
  Carl D. Cravens, fixed by Cornelius Krasel)

- NEWNEWS command uses .overview for speed (good for high-traffic

- new internal function cuttab, which breaks a field out of a
  tab-separated string and returns a copy (VERY useful for .overview
  handling). The string returned must be free(3)d.

- fix broken -P option (checkforpostings expected all-numeric file
  names, while leafnode's spool files also have two "-" characters in them)
  (Reported by Raymond Scholz) 

- groupexpire fixed, NOTE: NEW SYNTAX groupexpire=de.rec.fotografie 10
  (Reported by Raymond Scholz) Also note that the old 2.0b5 parser could
  crash on bogus data in config file here.

Matthias Andree

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