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Re: [leafnode-list] locking, again

Cornelius Krasel schrieb am Montag, den 20. November 2000:

> Therefore, if we give up locking by the nntpd fetchnews would have
> to determine the correct first and last number from the article
> directory itself. This can be done by reading the directory. As long
> as you don't check for file types, it's quite fast. Indeed, that
> is the way texpire determines correct first and last numbers;
> fetchnews -f works the same.
> The only disadvantage that I can see so far is that fetchnews would
> be a little bit slower because it has to cycle through all
> "interesting" groups once to determine the "correct" first and last
> article.

A full statement will come later after some code reviewal, possibly only
on Wednesday. However, if there was a flag ".scanmax", one could refrain
from scanning the dirs all the time, or there could be something (more
complex!) like a new.postings hierarchy that nntpd could store postings
in from where fetchnews/texpire could move the articles into the right
group when they are updating the groupinfo.

Not yet sure which is the better approach, will need code review.

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