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Re: [leafnode-list] How often should I run texpire?

On Oct 24, 2000, Stefan Wiens wrote:
> > Running a Texpire cron job is okay as long as it doesn't run at the
> > same time as Fetch.  If it does it can corrupt the news spool.
> The locking mechanism should normally prevent texpire and fetchnews
> from running simultaneously.
> Have you actually seen that?

I've seen them both running at the same time, but I use an old
version (leafnode 1.6.2-3), so maybe it's been fixed.

> I've found syslog entries from fetchnews, saying it aborted because of
> an existing lockfile, and I think texpire was running at that time.

I have also seen fetch abort because of a lockfile, but I traced it
back to an error that caused fetch to exit before picking up all of
the news on a previous run.


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