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Re: [leafnode-list] [PATCH] storearticle() didn't check for local groups

Dennis W. Bulgrien wrote:


Your files and permissions look all good. With respect to -D, every
D increases the debugmode by one. Debugmodes > 2 don't have any additional
effect, however.

Personally, I suspect that only fetchnews is able to create subdirs
in /var/spool/news/message.id and that this may be the cause of your
problem; however, I have not yet verified this. On the other hand,
creating these subdirectories manually (e.g. by the following script)
should therefore resolve these problems.

cd /var/spool/news/message.id
for a in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
   for b in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
       mkdir -p $${a}$${b}0 $${a}$${b}1 $${a}$${b}2 \
                $${a}$${b}3 $${a}$${b}4 $${a}$${b}5 \
                $${a}$${b}6 $${a}$${b}7 $${a}$${b}8 \
       chown news:news $${a}$${b}0 $${a}$${b}1 $${a}$${b}2 \
                       $${a}$${b}3 $${a}$${b}4 $${a}$${b}5 \
                       $${a}$${b}6 $${a}$${b}7 $${a}$${b}8 \


/* Cornelius Krasel, U Wuerzburg, Dept. of Pharmacology, Versbacher Str. 9 */
/* D-97078 Wuerzburg, Germany   email: krasel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx */
/* "Science is the game we play with God to find out what His rules are."  */

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