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Re: [leafnode-list] call for help: Managing leafnode's future -

Chris Gray <cgray@xxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> I've got dibs on this.  In fact I've already done it.  I sent a patch
> to someone, but it was quite a while ago and I haven't heard anything
> back.  I will port it to the current version and send my patch to the
> list, I guess.

That's a good idea.

> I just think it's kind of funny that the one thing I thought important
> enough to do myself was the thing viewed as the least important by
> everyone else. :)

Of course, different persons, different views, but on the other hand, if
someone is actually doing it, that's fine with me and I would hardly
reject a patch just because it's low priority /for/ /me/. 

I may escalate things if public demand is high, particularly when The
Maintainer speaks :-)

Matthias Andree

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