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Re: [leafnode-list] Changes for Leafnode-1.9.19?

Cornelius Krasel wrote:
> I think it may be sensible to release another leafnode-1.9 version
> before getting to release the first stable 2.0. Therefore I invite
> suggestions for leafnode-1.9.19 (no implementations of new features,
> just bugfixes).
(other suggestions for fetchnews will come soon).

nntpd.c (minor(?) bug)
- problem in gmtoff (nntpd.c)

 My TZ environment variable is not set on my system (RH 6.0).
"putenv( oldzone )" don't give correct results in this case.

00:22:24 thor leafnode[1406]: config: debugmode is 1
00:22:24 thor leafnode[1406]: config: server is news.libertysurf.fr
00:22:24 thor leafnode[1406]: config: expire is 665 days
00:22:24 thor leafnode[1406]: config: maxfetch is 1000
00:22:24 thor leafnode[1406]: config: initialfetch is 100
00:22:24 thor leafnode[1406]: config: crosspostlimit is 10 groups
00:22:24 thor leafnode[1406]: config: maxage is 60
00:22:24 thor leafnode[1406]: config: timeout_short is 3 days
00:22:24 thor leafnode[1406]: config: timeout_long is 8 days
00:22:24 thor leafnode[1406]: config: timeout_active is 366 days
00:22:24 thor leafnode[1406]: config: filterfile is /etc/leafnode/filterfile
00:22:24 thor leafnode[1406]: rereading /var/spool/news/leaf.node/groupinfo
=> 00:22:27 thor leafnode[1406]: before gmtoff.....
=> 22:22:27 thor leafnode[1406]: after gmtoff.....
=> 22:22:33 thor leafnode[1406]: <quit 

The following patch works for me: 
    if ( zone == NULL ) unsetenv( "TZ" );
    else putenv( oldzone );

.. as a replacement for :
    putenv( oldzone );

The return value should also be changed like in version 2.0b8 :
(reported by Stephan Wiens, 29 Oct 2000)
-    return( gmtsec - localsec );
+    return( localsec - gmtsec );


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