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Re[2]: [leafnode-list] 1.9.19 status

Am Thu, 3 May 2001 11:50:37 +0200 (CEST) schrieben Sie (Cornelius Krasel <krasel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>):

> Volker Apelt wrote:
> > How is the status of postings to moderated groups? 
> > I heard rumours it is not working. 
> I can positively say that it is working; at least my postings to
> de.comp.os.unix.linux.moderated arrive in the newsgroup (i.e. they
> are being answered).
> However, an annoying bug is that your own postings to moderated
> newsgroups will show up in the newsgroup immediately, regardless of
> whether the moderator approves them.
How is leafnode supposed to know which groups are moderated 
and which are not?

Make a new file called moderated.groups in $SPOOL/leaf.node
with one line for each moderated group, containing the 
groupname and  email address to which submissions 
should be sent.


Have separate .config file in each group directory 
which holds all the meta information for one group.

Volker Apelt          Group of Prof. Dr. Ch. Griesinger
                      Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universitaet 
                      Frankfurt am Main (Germany)

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