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Re: [leafnode-list] 2.0b8_ma7.4pre, some insights into the texpire problem

> i wrote earlier:

> version does as advertised.  on the other hand, i run leafnode several
> years now, and i grew to it somewhat.  it's uncomplicated, it doesn't eat
> resources, one can rest assured of its service and otherwise forget it.

there's one thing i would like in an upcoming release:  leafnode should
only service unroutable (RFC- or local) addresses.  this is what it's
supposed to.  i currently run it under inetd, tcp-wrapped.

an alternative would be to have it's status-messages go to stderr by
command line option and see to it, that it can be run under tcpserver and
with multilog ( -> http://cr.yp.to ).

i had (friendly?) hackerz deface my system.  they tipped me off that
leafnode can be used from the outside, posting-wise.  i changed that, of
course, and this was the reason for this feature-wish.


ps:  i'll sign your key if you send its f'print and if you sign mine! 
     just send it over, we'll work something out.  offer expires 12/2001.

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