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Re: [leafnode-list] 2.0b8_ma7.4pre, some insights into the texpire problem

Volker Apelt <volker_apelt@xxxxxxxx> writes:

> I've run texpire  with the appended patch to texpire.c
> which adds some new debugging statements, .and found 
> one foule  groupexpire statement.
> groupexpire =  *.test                    2
> Shouldn't this glob(7) expression match names like 
> "news.test" only?

Bug. wildmat, which calls upon DoMatch, tests for != FALSE, when it
should test for == TRUE (because DoMatch can return ABORT, which is to
be treated as false). 

Please try this patch, it fixes the issue for me.

--- wildmat.c	2001/06/26 09:04:51
+++ wildmat.c	2001/10/06 22:57:35
@@ -122,5 +122,5 @@
     if (p[0] == '*' && p[1] == '\0')
 	return TRUE;
 #endif				/* OPTIMIZE_JUST_STAR */
-    return DoMatch(text, p);	/* FIXME */
+    return DoMatch(text, p) == TRUE ? TRUE : FALSE;

Matthias Andree

"Those who give up essential liberties for temporary safety deserve
neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin

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