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Re: [leafnode-list] leafnode 2.0b8_ma7.4pre snapshot available, contains fixes

On 05 Oct 2001 07:24:28 +0200 Matthias Andree <ma@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> 2.0b8_ma7.4pre contains some fixes over things I broke in the previous
> 7.xpre versions, and some improvements. Among them are: proper date
> parsing, proper filterfile parsing (as reported by Oliver Titz to
> de.comm.software.newsserver recently), reintroduced cancel/supersedes
> handling, faster interesting.groups handling, faster store.

There is a calculation error in texpire.c. The number of keept articles is 
equal to the number of <<number>> files in the group directory.  
It should be <<articles-in-group>> - <<deleted>>. 

[Part of  /var/log/news/news.info (host, time and pid stripped)]
texpire[..]: alt.2600: running without dry-run will delete 7 and keep 24 articles 
texpire[..]: alt.2600.hackerz: running without dry-run will delete 1 and keep 1 articles

# alt.2600 has 24  articles before deleting (and 24 afterwards because of
# dry run ) 

# should be .. 
texpire[..]: alt.2600: running without dry-run will delete 7 and keep 17 articles 
texpire[..]: alt.2600.hackerz: running without dry-run will delete 1 and keep 0 articles

texpire.c:  869 .. 873
   if (dryrun)
            ln_log(LNLOG_SINFO, LNLOG_CGROUP, "%s: running without dry-run "
                   "will delete %lu and keep %lu articles", g->name, 
                   deleted, kept-deleted);

fetchnews complaints about displaced config entries.  
[Part of  /var/log/news/news.info (host, time and pid stripped)]
fetchnews[..]: config: "expire=100" found in section of server news.cis.dfn.de, please move it to the top of any server declaration
. and many others ...

Does that mean that /etc/leafnode/config should be rearranged ?
Currently it has the same order as the config.example file.

--- config  begin 
source server definition
supplement server definition
group expire 
server name 
--- config  end 



Volker Apelt   volker_apelt  .@.  yahoo.de (remove the dots, please)   
Dipl. Chem.    +49 6172 31126   

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