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Re: [leafnode-list] leafnode 2.0b8_ma7.1pre available

On Thu, 27 Sep 2001, Matthias Andree wrote:


>I just released leafnode-pcre-2.0b8_ma7.1pre.tar.bz2, available for
>download at http://mandree.home.pages.de/leafnode/beta/

[ .... ]

>Also note that texpire will by default delete articles that have lost
>their message.id file unless you run it in repair mode. This means, if
>there's a problem with your file system, IMMEDIATELY run it in repair
>mode. The "-M" option to texpire is gone, it was undocumented anyhow and
>is not too useful with the new semantics.

URGHHHH!!!  Why should texpire delete these articles?  The message.id
hard link to the file is not essential to the normal functioning of

This change could hurt people like me very badly - I have groups in my
spool that I haven't texpired in over 2 years, and I value their content.
I recently copied my spool to a bigger disk partition (which took several
hours), and for some reason (my ignorance), the message.ids ended up
being _copies_ of their articles rather than links to them.  I thus
deleted all the message.ids.

>Matthias Andree

Alan Mackenzie (Munich, Germany)

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