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Re: [leafnode-list] RELEASE: leafnode 2.0b8_ma8

Joerg Dietrich schrieb am Samstag, den 29. Dezember 2001:

> > packages (although the license does permit this, it would be no good and
> > would create support nightmares).
> That, of course, is a very valid point. But at one point or
> another vendors will ship leafnode-2.x packages and we'll have
> that nightmare. 

Yup, given that the feature set makes it more and more attractive, and
leafnode 1.9.x is effectively dead, that may well happen.

However, one good reason not to package yet is that future versions will
use automake because automake is now mature enough to let BSD or SysV
make deal with dependency tracking (that was one of the showstoppers for
Cornelius with automake 1.4: dependency tracking required GNU make).

(And that's also the reason why I didn't make and file a
leafnode_current port for FreeBSD yet.)

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