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Re: [leafnode-list] 2.0b8_ma8rc8 - fetchnews blues

Ben Holness schrieb am Freitag, den 28. Dezember 2001:

> > Your /etc/services is hosed. leafnode uses
> > getservbyname("nntp", "tcp")
> > to find the nntp port, and your /etc/services returns 563. It
> > probably has
> >           nntp         119/tcp
> > AND
> >           nntp         563/tcp
> >
> it has:
> 		nntps        563/tcp
> 		nntp		 12546/tcp
> in that order (I am using non-standard ports for nntp)

That's why fetchnews cannot connect to your upstream. Don't change
/etc/services, but change the daemon configuration (xinetd.conf or
something) instead.

> If I move the second entry above the first, it works OK.

Looks like your libc is hosed. Which operating system and version does
this happen on?

> I also have another problem, relating to the lock file.
> I run two instances of leafnode on the one system.
> When I compile, I specify different directories for the spool and libdirs as
> well as different directories for the bin and sbin executables. The lockfile
> has a different name (fetchnews2.lck)

How do you specify this? leafnode-2.0b8_ma8rc8 has gone a long way from
where leafnode 1.9.19 is.

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