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Re: [leafnode-list] leafnode 2.0b8_ma8rc6_jack_frost available

Matthias Andree wrote:

> I just released leafnode 2.0b8_ma8rc6_jack_frost.

Builds and runs well on 

[alex@deepspace ~] $ uname -nrs
FreeBSD deepspace.reinwarth.com 4.4-RELEASE

The only problem I faced until now is that fetchnews -P doesn't seem
to work right. 

This is what I get, if I post from the 2.0b8_ma8r6, which runs on my
laptop,  to my home network's 2.0b8 (main stream).

deepspace# fetchnews -vvvvvP
fetchnews: version 2.0b8_ma8rc6_jack_frost; verbosity level is 5; debugging level is 0
lea.reinwarth.com: connected to, response: 200
lea.reinwarth.com: TCP send buffer size is 17376
found 1 articles in out.going.
Posting /var/spool/news/out.going/78349-1009313668-1
findgroup("de.test") called without prior readactive()

If necessary I will certainly provide you with further logs, although
the above error message looks like an intended debug message to me.


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