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Re: [leafnode-list] List of supported commands

On 12-Dec-2001 Radek Wroclawski wrote:
> [..] it uses XPAT, XHDR and XOVER commands. And IMHO that's the problem. Does
> Leafnode (1.x or 2.x) support this commands? If not, could you recommend any
> small, light and low-resources-consuming news server that supports this
> commands?

Noffle (http://noffle.sf.net) definitely does in all 1.0 and subsequent

I don't know for certain, but I'd bet sn (http://infa.abo.fi/~patrick/sn/) does
as well. Either would meet your criteria for alternatives to LeafNode.

Jim Hague - jim.hague@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Work), jim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Play)
Never trust a computer you can't lift.

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