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Re: [leafnode-list] Will 2.x address these issues?

Ozz wrote:
> Hi Guys.
> 1. Posting and fetching all take place sequentially.
> News articles are posted, then retrieved.  If a local user posts a large
> binary file then no news is fetched until posting completes.  With only
> 256Kbps upstream, this can be a problem.  It would be useful if posting and
> fetching were separate tasks that could run independently on the cron.

Yes, this could also be done in 1.9.x versions and this is a good idea.

You can already run 'fetchnews' with the -P option (post only), but you
cannot run 'fetchnews' with something like -R option (retrieve only). 
(but not difficult to implement).

> 2. It does not populate itself from it's own posts.
> If a local user posts a large binary, the post is first uploaded to my ISP's
> server, then that same post is downloaded from my ISP's server.  This can be
> a huge waste of time and bandwidth.  It would be useful if queued articles
> could be streamed to the locally stored group from the queue.

You can filter your own posts :-)

> 3. I cannot restrict which groups are available.

See my other mail.


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