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Re: [leafnode-list] Cannot allocate memory?

Matthias Andree wrote:
> /.../
> Of course, upgrading leafnode was evidently not the cure, as Andrey has
> reported in private mail, but updating from 1.9.18 to 1.9.19 with the
> locking fix patch fixes one very important bug that might corrupt
> leafnode's groupinfo file otherwise, so that's not been in vain.

I don't understand why locking is absolutely necessary.
I am speaking for the 1.9.19 version.

Only "fetchnews" (and "texpire") modify the groupinfo file...
Also only one instance of fetchnews or texpire should be active at a given

I presume problems occur only when running external programs that also
modify the groupinfo file...

Could you give some explanations/examples ?

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