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Re: [leafnode-list] upgrading experience

On Sun, 27 Jan 2002, ma@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> Robert <robert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>> Not for a long time, and I'm afraid I don't backup the news spool...  Is
>> rerunning texpire -r likely to find the old articles? I assume texpire
>> won't expire them until it know about them!
> Well, it may have deleted copies of the articles, or it may have deleted
> articles themselves, I cannot tell -- you'd need to compare the spool
> against your backup :-(

/var has gone from 53% to 17%, I think the next texpire must have killed
them off, I use gnus with a cache so the items I'm really interested in are
there, I just read some ngs where folk over snip so you need the preceding

Changing subject slightly, I have a filters file containing
newsgroups = *
maxcrosspost = 6
action = kill
and I've just seen an article crossposted to 8 groups...

Robert Marshall

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