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Re: [leafnode-list] Server refuses connection

On Tue, 29 Jan 2002 20:37, you wrote:
> Doug Laidlaw schrieb am Dienstag, den 29. Januar 2002:
> > Fine Matthias. I reinstalled leafnode and that problem went away.  Now I
> > have the one about fetchnews saying that all the messages are already
> > there.  I
> That's ok, because it does not have correct "last group seen" numbers in
> its /var/spool/news/leaf.node/SERVER.NAME files, but it figures it does
> not need download anything and just updates the files, so on the next
> run, you're getting "no new articles" or some such.
Thanks Matthias.  By "ok" I assume that you mean that it isn't really a 
program fault., and I can take some step to fix it.  What should I do - 
delete the files and start again?


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