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RE: [leafnode-list] Time Out

I am working on a script to help me administer of local groups (actually,
create a new group when another group has so many related messages that
it makes sense to create a specific group for that topic).  To do
what I want to do, I need to find out how the Xref field in 
overview is used, and a tad bit more information about

Consider the .overview entry:

22      Message text limitations        "Kevin R. Bulgrien"
<kbulgrien@xxxxxxxx>        Thu, 8 Mar 2001 15
:42:15 -0600  <meu889.6s5.ln@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>         1148    32      Xref:
arendi.vcsd.com vcsd.arendi:22

Does Xref always look like this?  server_name newsgroup:message_number ?

Is this telling us where the body of the message is, and does it always 
contain one and only one path to a message?

If I were to forcibly move a message from one group to another, is there
anything else to consider besides:

1) Unlink the message out of the source group
2) Relink the message into the new destination group as the next higher
   message number.
3) Move the .overview entry for the message from the source to the 
   destination .overview file.
4) Rewrite the Xref field
5) Ummm... update groupinfo?  Is there a description for the groupinfo
   file format somewhere?

   (example groupinfo entry)
   vcsd.apps.cvs 1 1 1014041571 CVS and CVS related topics
                 Not absolutely sure what these are all for, but I think
                 I would have to bump the first number if I added a msg
                 to the group.

I am not particularly trying to write something that is "safe" in every
conceivable scenario, but I wouldn't mind a quick hint on the possible
dangers I expose myself to by doing this.

I do not use Leafnode for anything except local groups.  No texpire, no
fetchnews, etc...  All messages are permanent unless manually and 
forcibly removed.

Kevin R. Bulgrien, Engineer

Vertex RSI, A TriPoint Global Company         http://www.tripointglobal.com/
Controls & Structures Division 
1915 Harrison Road                                    Tel: 903-295-1480 x288
Longview, TX 75604-5438                               Fax: 903-295-1479

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