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[leafnode-list] Leafnode reads active file, but no news in newsreader

Leafnode woes.

What I have done so far:

1) Downloaded the latest version and installed it as root on my SuSE 7.3 box, 
using the traditional configure/make/make install methodology. No errors.

2) Configured the files as the instructions from SuSE have indicated I should:

	/etc/rconfig.conf: set nntp server to localhost (Tried the machine name 
	/etc/leafnode: set the server in config to my nntp upstream host
	/etc/inetd.conf; made sure identd used /usr/sbin/leafnode for nntp

3) I then restarted inetd; ie: rcinetd restart;
	and ran SuSEconfig, (which actiavtes all new settings in /etc related 
files, etc, just to make sure all the settings and such were flagged.

4) I ran "fetchnews -vvv" and was able to read the active file from the 
upstream server into /var/spool/news/leafnode and was
able to confirm there was a group-list file as well as a file bearing the name 
of the upstream server, I checked the size of the group-list file and it was 
3.9 MB, and in checking the list it seemed complete, aaa-zzz, etc.

This is where the confusion begins: I have a confirmed group-list file where 
the SuSE documentation for leafnode, admitted limited but pretty 
straightforward, says it should be but....

I have tried without sucess to get groups/articles into the newsreader and have 
tried multiple newsreaders including knode, knews, xrn and mozilla. All but 
Knode give a connection refused error, Knode gives connection refused, 
operation in progess, and seems to be trying to load groups, but after letting 
this run for 30 minutes I ahve nothing, a reading of the active file from the 
upstream through a direct connection never takes longer than ten minutes via 

When I looked in the news.err log file  in /var/log/news (I think), 
	the error given was, connection 
refused, /var/spool/news/leaf.node/group-list, no such file or directory

as I stated, I have confirmed it is there and contains the actual group names. 
Is this a matter of permissions related conflict, or something else? The 
permissions on the file (group-list) itself, are user/groups set to "news", but 
would this prevent root from being able to use the file. 

I could use some advice here.


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