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Re: [leafnode-list] Multiple NNTPHOST sources

On Tuesday 30 July 2002 01:04 pm, you wrote:

> I use a program called sudo.  You can find a mirror of the homepage
> at http://sudo.stikman.com.  I can then run fetchnews from any
> account I wish to allow access to the program.

  Sudo is included with Mandrake 8.2, which I run, but I have yet to 
get a handle on that config script format.  Geez.  I've tried about 20 
different combinations of 

mike	ALL=/usr/sbin/fetchnews	ALL

with NOPASSWD thrown in here and there, and even when sudo -l tells me 
that yes, I *can* run /usr/sbin/fetchnews, if I try
sudo /usr/sbin/fetchnews
I still get an error telling me that I can't run it.  So far, it's 
easier to just su every time.  8-/

Mike Graham                  | Fighting the good fight against porosity,
mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx        | lack of fusion, and people who constantly
<http://www.metalmangler.com>| try to correct the spelling of 'weldor'.

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