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Re: [leafnode-list] Why was support for 8 bit characters in headers

* Peter N. M. Hansteen wrote on Thu, Aug 08, 2002 at 12:29:35PM CEST:
> Ralf Wildenhues wrote:
> >Actually, there has been doubt that there was maybe a possibility that
> >leafnode before version 1.9.24 might _not_ cope with 8bit in headers.
> I really don't see why. I haven't studied the source for quite some
> time, though.

I might look over this when I have time.  Pretty short on that right

> >This and the rule "be conservative in what you send" led to the decision
> >of not allowing 8bit in headers at this time.  
> In the no.* hierarchy at least, 8-bit is accepted as normal.

If Matthias agrees, we could add an option for accepting it.

> Breaking existing systems in order to make the world behave. I see.

No.  There definitely were problems showing up, else that change would
not have happened.  Might have been trouble with upstreams (to prevent
problem reports of the 'my message got lost' kind), though, I don't
really know.

> I'll see what I can find out from the gnus docs, but I'm convinced
> this will not contribute to leafnode's popularity.

I'm convinced gnus can be told to do that.

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