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Re: [leafnode-list] Silly Newbie question

* Darac Marjal wrote on Sat, Sep 07, 2002 at 11:49:11PM CEST:
> I use Forté Agent and the delaybody setting. I grab the latest
> headers, mark some articles to be downloaded, and fetch them. This
> brings back a message saying "Article ... has been selected" or
> similar. Now, at the next run of fetchnews, I assume it goes and grabs
> the body, so I delete the temporary body in agent and re-fetch. But
> this always results in Message Unavailable status.
> I'm obviously doing something wrong here. Could someone englighten me
> as to how to use leafnode with Agent?

Probably the Agent keeps more state about the articles you have read
than only the article number on the server.   Leafnode gives a
delaybody-downloaded body a new article number, but of course it keeps
the same Message-ID as the old header, which is expired.  This might
confuse newsreaders.  Known to have problems (to me) are Netscape-4,
Outlook Express, known to work with delaybody are (e.g.) slrn, gnus,
mozilla (not sure about this one).

My suggestion would be to either use leafnode without delaybody, or use
a news reader that copes with it.  Maybe Agent can be configured to keep
less state.


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