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RE: [leafnode-list] Reseting list of NewsGroups

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Charlie Grosvenor [mailto:charliemail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: 29 September 2002 14:57
> To: leafnode-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: RE: [leafnode-list] Reseting list of NewsGroups
> I have my isp's news server and newsgroups.borland.com and
> msnews.microsoft.com the latter two only contain a sub set of groups.

Just as an aside, and not related to the question you raised, I have the same configuration but with an important difference.  I have my servers defined in the order Borland->Microsoft->ISP.  The reason for this is that posts to the borland.public* hierarchy must go the newsgroups.borland.com, otherwise no-one will ever see them.  Configuring the servers in this order means that leafnode attempts to post to Borland first (if it can find the group on there), Microsoft second (if it can find the group on there) and the ISP finally for anything else.  End result - posts for borland.public.* go to Borland's server, posts to microsoft.public.* go to MS's server, and everything else goes to the ISP.

The beauty of this feature of leafnode is that it is actually _easier_ than using the servers direct, where you would have to remember yourself to post Borland posts to the right server.  This way leafnode handles it automagically.  Neat, huh?

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