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Re: [leafnode-list] Web administration - leafwa


On 2002.10.06 16:10 Jeff Grossman wrote:
I would be very interested in your updates.  I always like that
Great - that's at least one person! :-)

One feature I asked the original programmer for was the ability
to run "Fetchnews -P" from the web interface.
Hmm. When did you approach him - I've not had answer to the 
couple of mails I've sent him in the last three months. 
Admittedly I've hardly bombarded him with e-mail :-)

I've not been working so much on adding functionality as fixing 
and tweaking it, so far. There were "experimental" pages already 
available in 0.6.1 which were intended to move towards running 
fetchnews and texpire, but I've not gone into that side so far.

One other point is that I'm currently running leafnode 1.9.27 
(looking forward to 1.9.28), so I've not yet tested with 2.0 
snapshots: that is next on my list, but I wanted to avoid 
breaking a working news server...

Here's a summary of what I've been up to, and some questions

- fixed several security issues. I need to update the install 
instructions too. Basically I've locked down various files which 
should not be user-viewable, and on my own system I've improved 
on the suggested the sudo configuration too.

- reorganised directory structure. Renamed and moved some files, 
moved to PNG format for most graphics.

- fixed the News Queue management to work with the output from 
newsq from 1.9.27. I'm very much hoping that the version of 
newsq in 2.x provides similar output (can anyone confirm this?) 
since this was a pain to fix.

- improved presentation. Tweaked graphics, made interface more 
consistent, moved to CSS for all pages.

I'm planning to do more minor improvements, update the 
documentation, then hopefully test with 2.0 at some stage soon. 
I'm wary of making a new release since I don't want to annoy the 
original author(s) and I've not been able to contact them for 
permission to proceed.

Thanks for your interest... anyone else? I'm keen to gauge the 
level of interest, it might help to focus my mind a little ;-)


Andy Piper - Farnborough, Hampshire (UK)
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