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RE: [leafnode-list] Web administration - leafwa

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andy Piper [mailto:andy.piper@xxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Sunday, October 06, 2002 9:33 AM
> To: leafnode-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [leafnode-list] Web administration - leafwa
> On 2002.10.06 16:10 Jeff Grossman wrote:
> > I would be very interested in your updates.  I always like that
> > program.
> Great - that's at least one person! :-)
> > One feature I asked the original programmer for was the ability
> > to run "Fetchnews -P" from the web interface.
> Hmm. When did you approach him - I've not had answer to the
> couple of mails I've sent him in the last three months.
> Admittedly I've hardly bombarded him with e-mail :-)

It has been quite some time since I approached him with that idea.  I
don't think he has done any development on that project for at least a

> I've not been working so much on adding functionality as fixing
> and tweaking it, so far. There were "experimental" pages already
> available in 0.6.1 which were intended to move towards running
> fetchnews and texpire, but I've not gone into that side so far.
> One other point is that I'm currently running leafnode 1.9.27
> (looking forward to 1.9.28), so I've not yet tested with 2.0
> snapshots: that is next on my list, but I wanted to avoid
> breaking a working news server...
> Here's a summary of what I've been up to, and some questions
> - fixed several security issues. I need to update the install
> instructions too. Basically I've locked down various files which
> should not be user-viewable, and on my own system I've improved
> on the suggested the sudo configuration too.
> - reorganised directory structure. Renamed and moved some files,
> moved to PNG format for most graphics.
> - fixed the News Queue management to work with the output from
> newsq from 1.9.27. I'm very much hoping that the version of
> newsq in 2.x provides similar output (can anyone confirm this?)
> since this was a pain to fix.
> - improved presentation. Tweaked graphics, made interface more
> consistent, moved to CSS for all pages.
> I'm planning to do more minor improvements, update the
> documentation, then hopefully test with 2.0 at some stage soon.
> I'm wary of making a new release since I don't want to annoy the
> original author(s) and I've not been able to contact them for
> permission to proceed.
> Thanks for your interest... anyone else? I'm keen to gauge the
> level of interest, it might help to focus my mind a little ;-)

Those all sound like great steps forward.  I am currently running the
2.0 snapshot, so I cannot comment on the 1.9.x versions anymore.  I
would be willing to test anything you do against the 2.0 versions.

I would say lets move forward with new releases.  If he does not have
time to develop anymore, then lets find somebody who does.  And, I think
we have found that person.  Isn't that what open source is all about?


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