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Re: [leafnode-list] Using FQDN

matthew.malthouse@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx schrieb am Montag, den 21. Oktober 2002:

> Last week I had 1.9.24 decline to put up 3 posts with the same message.
> However my art ID is made up by slrn and of the format
> <slrn-generated-rand-string><local-user-name>@<my-own-fqdn>
> I do own my own domain so no one else should be using it, even so the rest
> should make the ID as near unique as is practical so what was LN
> complaining about?
> The posts were not sent, but neither did they end up in failed.postings or
> anywhere else.  They were just expunged.

What software does the upstream server run?

What do your news logs say?

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