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Re: [leafnode-list] Fwd: leafnode+ doesn't finish fetchnews

* clemens fischer wrote on Tue, Oct 22, 2002 at 09:10:49PM CEST:
> version: leafnode-2.0-snapshot-20020910a
> the last fetchnews run gets the newsfeeds of two out of three servers
> ok and has been doing everything all right for weeks.  now it seems
> news.fu-berlin.de (news.CIS.DFN.DE) has been flooded with
> create-groups with large descriptions or something (just a guess),
> because:


> news.CIS.DFN.DE: checking for new newsgroups
> news.CIS.DFN.DE: found 418 new newsgroups
> news.CIS.DFN.DE: getting new newsgroup descriptions
> .. and then nothing, the process seems stuck.  a second run tells me:
> this must have something to do with a Higher Cause, right?

Yes.  This is a problem with CIS, as I can confirm by just telnetting to
their server.  I think I've read about something along the way in
usenet, don't know the exact cause.


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