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[leafnode-list] leafnode-2.0.0.alpha20021108a (was: Upgrade oddity: 4294967295 in

I have just released leafnode-2.0.0.alpha20021108a, available from

This should fix the 4294967295 issue that Reiner Steib has
observed. Just update, it should figure the right low/high marks the
next time texpire, applyfilter or fetchnews is run and save them
temporarily; it will temporarily fix these when leafnode itself is run.

IF AND ONLY IF you have group_pcre filtering in place, please run
fetchnews -f after the installation once to get "unfetched" newsgroups
removed from your active file.

The mailto.c compile failure has also been fixed.

Reiner, could you check if your problem is fixed now and report back? Thanks.

Matthias Andree

http://sourceforge.net/projects/leafnode/   - leafnode-1 tarballs
http://mandree.home.pages.de/leafnode/beta/ - leafnode-2 tarballs

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