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Re: [leafnode-list] Cannot obtain lock file, aborting.

Nicolas <oxstone@xxxxxxx>:

> #ps -ef | grep fetch
> Which gave the following result:
> news      4832  4828  0 Nov12 ?        00:00:00 /usr/local/sbin/fetchnews
> I think there's a problem here!  But what can I do? I could, of
> course, kill this process. But I don't plan to kill that process
> each day! I would like leafnode to run smoothly without having to
> kill it!!! Any idea?

looks like you're running something that starts fetchnews, and then
your other scripts/cron-jobs try it, too.  you need to find all places
fetchnews gets called.  maybe you installed the first version by
rpm(1) or apt-get or whatever, and tweaked the configuration and
run-scripts or cron-jobs without removing those older scripts.

regarding leafnode:  this is the local daemon used by applications.
its operation is intertwined with fetchnews, but killing fetchnews
doesn't affect leafnode per se.


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