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Re: [leafnode-list] groups listed twice in groupinfo, and other

On Saturday 16 November 2002 04:23, you wrote:
> After some digging, I can think of only one way how this may happen:
> the same upstream server must have alt.2600.aol and alt.2600.AOL --
> that's the only place where leafnode does not check for duplicates
> case-insensitively (it does not check for duplicates the groups it
> gets in a single run at all, actually).

You are very correct! One of the upstream servers DOES have both 
alt.2600.aol and alt.2600.AOL groups! It seems to run 
"InterNetNews NNRP server INN 1.6b3 31-Jul-1997".

Easy fix would be to remove this from config and do fetchnews -f gain, 
I presume?

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